
The Authentication page is only accessible to a user with administrative permissions. It allows you to set the session timeout, define the authentication method, and enable guest logins.

Getting There: In the Navigation Pane, clicktap Authentication under Settings. If the menu is hidden, clicktap The Settings icon..

You can do the following:

To complete the above tasks:

  1. In the Navigation Pane, clicktap Authentication under Settings. If the menu is hidden, clicktap The Settings icon..

  2. Enter the Session Timeout in minutes.

    NOTE: If the timeout limit set here is greater than what a user sets for the auto-refresh intervals for dashboard widgets or in their preferences (for items such Automate Activity, Schedule Activity, or the Status Center), it will prevent the user's session from timing out if they're on one of those pages.
  3. ClickTap in the authentication method field and select LDAP, IBM i, Automate, or Webdocs for i.

  4. To enable guest logins and define the guest profile:

    1. ClickTap On to Allow Guest Login. ClickTap Off to disable it.

      The Allow Guest Login section on the Authentication page.

    2. Enter the Guest User Name. The default is 'Guest'.

    3. Enter the Guest Password. Enter it again to confirm it. The default is 'guest'.

  5. ClickTap Save.


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