Configuration Menu

How to Get There

From the Main Menu, choose option 5.

What it Does

Authority Broker's Configuration menu provides a single point where product configuration may be performed.


NOTE: If you choose to disable FireCall, the Authority Broker Configuration Menu does not display Option 11 (Work with FireCall Control settings). See Enable FireCall for more information about enabling or disabling FireCall.
(1) Assign System Users to Switch Profiles

This option presents the screen for associating a system user with a switch profile. See Assign System User to Switch Profile screen.

(2) Work with Interested Parties

This option presents the screen used to maintain the list of parties interested in profile switches. See Work with Interested Parties screen.

(3) Work with Product Exits Menu

This option presents a menu used to maintain methods that extend Authority Broker's functionality. These exit points include notifying interested parties a profile switch has occurred, additional validations for a profile switch and customized process controls for individual jobs. See Work with Product Exits Menu.

(4) Work with Profile Switches

Work with Profile Switches lets you view and perform work against profile switches.

(10) Work with Programs to be excluded from reports

This option presents the screen used to maintain the list of programs to be excluded from Authority Broker reports. See Basic Reporting Exceptions Sort & Search screen.

(11) Work with FireCall Control Settings

This option presents the screen used to maintain FireCall's default setting. See Work with FireCall Control Settings screen.

(12) Work with Day of Week default settings

This option presents the screen used to maintain the template for Day of Week Restriction settings. See Day of Week Default Schedule.

(13) Work with Authority Broker product settings

This option presents the screen used to maintain Authority Broker's product settings. See Work with Authority Broker product settings screen.

(14) Work with Authority Broker Customer License

Used to enter in the license key for the product.

(15) Configure Email Notification

Configure Email Notification lets you to configure options for email notifications.

(21) Powertech Product Version Information

Displays the product version.


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